Media Inquiry for Interviews & Publicity
If you would like to schedule an interview with Chuck Coppes for your TV, Skype, radio or webcast platform, please give us a call, or contact us through this link. A media kit will be provided that includes a press release, author biography, book description and chronological questions. Please allow two weeks or more for interview preparation and research. Due to the present cornavirus "plandemic" restrictions, we are not accepting multimedia venues or speaking engagements that require air travel until further notice. Thank you for your consideration.
IDP Consulting Group, LLC
217 Cedar Street, Suite 132
Sandpoint, Idaho 83864-1410
Media Contact: 1-855-860-6800, Extension #3
Email: chc@chuckcoppes.com
Skype: Media.messenger

Media and Event Testimonials
I heard you on an international Skype interview. Please send your free newsletters to me at my e-mail address above. You are the BEST guest on ANY broadcast show I have ever seen or listened to. Congratulations on your book!
Dr. Dianne Taylor
I first heard Chuck's commentary on Coast to Coast. I am very pleased and impressed with the consultation that Chuck provided. He is extremely knowledgeable and from the beginning of our work together I knew that I was in trustworthy hands
Kimberly M. Christian
I was so blessed by the talk and presentation of Mr. Coppes. I've never seen so many smiling and glowing faces after a lecture. Education is the key to our survival and without God the education is void of solid ground. Thank you for such a wonderful awakening and God bless Mr Coppes. May God bless America.
Carol Harmon
I thought Charles Coppes did a wonderful job of presenting the history and frightening future forecast for America. It was well worth my time...I learned a lot that evening and look forward to reading America's Financial Reckoning Day.
Chris Harmon
The event was excellent. Mr. Coppes presented us with a lot of information that was very important and timely. His message helped us to get a perspective on what is happening in our country and around the world. He put the pieces of the puzzle together so that the average person can make sense of current events around the world and within our own country.
Catherine Maentanis
Very timely, very informative, pulled everything that is going on into a congruent meaningful explanation. Thank you for bringing this excellent speaker.
Joy Sweeney